Capabilities Training simulations

Training simulations

We develop educational 3D simulators using augmented and virtual reality for training technical and engineering personnel. If necessary, we will help to create a reconstruction of an emergency situation in order to conduct professional root-cause analysis.
3D sumulator
Digital Pattern develops virtual simulators (3D simulators) that simulate equipment and manufacturing processes. With the help of such computer programs, employees can train their practical skills in the operation and repair of equipment. It is effective, easy and safe.
Why use 3D simulators:
  • To speed up learning
    With the help of simulators, you can train and check aptitude for a large number of employees - remotely or in a special training room at the enterprise.
  • To increase the level of knowledge
    The staff gains practical skills in working with real systems. An hour of work on the simulator in terms of the effectiveness of training can replace from 4 to 8 hours of theoretical training, and some skills can only be worked out on the simulator.
  • To reduce costs
    The use of our simulators allows you to avoid high costs for the purchase of expensive equipment for training, as well as associated costs associated with its repair and maintenance, since it does not require the use of a real object in the training process.
  • To obtain an objective assessment of the employee's knowledge
The simulator tests the employee's knowledge in the form of practical assignments and work scenarios, which makes it possible to objectively assess the level of knowledge and competence of each student.
Each simulator is created by Digital Pattern specialists according to a specific task of the customer, taking into account the nature of production and safety requirements. Our programs closely replicate the production equipment, the real production environment of the customer - all this increases the quality of employee training. Additionally, the simulator gives the participant complete freedom of action, so that he can interact with any object.
In addition to manufacturing plants, we are focused on working with universities and colleges that need training using modern visualization tools.
How it works
The 3D simulator is based on an effective methodology for teaching the practice of working with production equipment. A whole team of rare specialists works on each program: game designers, screenwriters, programmers, 3D artists, animators and, of course, technical experts.
The virtual simulator operates in the following modes:
1. Training
Workers solve real production problems in a virtual environment. The conditions at the training are as close to real ones as possible. At the same time, the employee makes some kind of decision, feels his responsibility. There is a hint system for beginners.
2. Knowledge check
At this stage, the student receives feedback from the simulator, that is, he finds out how many correct answers he has, where there were mistakes. Such a teaching methodology will help you analyze your actions, go through the simulation again, completing the work on the mistakes.
We can supplement any simulator with VR glasses. This will allow you to achieve the effect of being present in production during training to work with equipment.
Augmented reality
Augmented reality combines virtual objects with the real world around us. It will be enough to look through the camera of your smartphone to see suddenly grown green spaces or new buildings next to you.
Digital Pattern develops specialized applications for work using Augmented Reality technology. We offer the most advanced technologies for AR projects using AR Core, AR Kit, Vuforia, AR Foundation.
When and where you need augmented reality
  1. Demonstration of objects in the real world. Establish a building on the site, place new equipment in the workshop or at the enterprise. Change interior elements in your own apartment.
  2. The device of the work of complex equipment, with a demonstration of the internal structure.
  3. Orientation in space
Augmented reality is needed in many areas and spheres of business and life. The use of this technology is limited only by fantasy. Our specialists have applied AR in different directions - in the creation of clothing models, in the construction sector, in the heavy industry, as part of a marketing program for the sale of goods, at exhibitions, for personnel training. For more information, see our portfolio.
Three types of augmented reality according to the type of technology used:
  • Marker based on the use of targeting for content creation. In this case, the markers can be a QR code, a special image or 3D models. The features of the technology include ease of use and adaptation to all mobile devices.
  • Markerless, where any flat surfaces are used to reproduce content. Here the technology can also be introduced into mobile phones, but it is limited by their power. The program runs stably from iPhone 6s and newer models, as well as Android devices.
  • Mixed, where AR and VR concepts are used together.
The cost of project development in Digital Pattern depends on the technical complexity of the assignment, timing and scale, as well as the number of specialists involved. A large number of factors affect the cost of a project. If you want to create your own AR program for mobile devices based on iOS and Android operating systems, please contact us. We will advise on all issues.
Virtual reality
VR system is a complex of technical capabilities aimed at immersing a person in a virtual space. This technology makes it possible to use it in teaching professions where the operation of real devices and mechanisms is associated with increased risk or associated with high costs.
In education, VR has been recognized as a powerful and effective tool for teaching people. VR technology is used to create virtual simulators of production processes used in employee training.
For training purposes, real scenarios of employee behavior in a given situation are recreated.
Our industrial visualization studio develops VR projects of various levels of complexity that can be applied on various VR systems, including virtual reality helmets, CAVE systems (Computer Aided Virtual Environment, virtual reality rooms), interactive displays and walls, as well as other 3D visualization systems. ...
Types of virtual reality
The number of devices for influencing a person can be different, since we use virtual reality helmets, special glasses, 3D screens and 3D rooms. Additionally, you can use motion-capture suits, joysticks, VR-gloves, devices for tactile communication.
Accident reconstruction
Reconstruction of disasters, emergencies and incidents is a scientific approach to solving the questions of why an accident happened at all. This is usually done by people trained in how to properly respond to an incident report, fill out an incident form, and use this information to prevent future accidents from occurring.
An incident is a sudden, unplanned event that causes or could cause harm to human health or damage to property. Accidents can happen in any workplace at any time.
Investigations can identify the root causes of an incident, so similar incidents and future workplace losses can be avoided. It is therefore important to provide adequate training for those responsible for incident investigation.
Our industrial visualization studio will help you create a three-dimensional reconstruction of emergencies, industrial accidents and man-made disasters. This visual reconstruction is compiled on the basis of the results of the accident investigation and will help to restore the accident in stages in order to demonstrate causal relationships and further educate employees to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.
This technique is widely used all over the world and is useful when data is needed to recover large-scale events - a bridge collapse, a road accident, factory accidents.